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Introduction to what is a bushing

Dec 6, 2015

What is a bushing? It is really a problem for us.As we all know, bushing products mean the bushings made of carbons, as well as other accessory materials. 

Currently, bushing products are widely used in many places, including our domestic construction places, our household decoration places, some entertainment places and so on. 

Bushing products have become very popular heat-insulating products, and they have the best performance indexes when compared with other hard heat-insulating products. bushing products have many advantages, for example, they have low volume-weight, low conductivity, good fracture resistance, high compressive strength, long service life, and they have no deformation when met with water. Besides, they are easy to cut and process, and they don’t erode bushings and facilities. Due to all these advantages of bushing products, they are widely used in industrial fields.

What are the main characteristics of bushing products? What is a bushing? In this essay, it will briefly introduce to us the main characteristics of bushing products. 

For example, their usage temperature can reach up to a very high value. Besides, bushing products have lower conductivity than other hard heat-insulating materials and composite silicate materials, but the conductivity of these bushing products can be adjusted when they are combined with other materials. What’s more, their volume-weight is low, which is the lowest among all the hard heat-insulating materials. bushing products are non-poisonous and scentless, besides, they cannot burn and have high mechanical strength, so they can be repeatedly used. In this meaning, bushing products cannot cause any pollution to our environment. bushing products have high strength and no deformation, so they can be used as heat preservation and heat insulation materials in various fields. bushing products have high heat resistance, high strength, good durability, no erosion and no pollution. 

What is a bushing? We think you may know this.In conclusion, above tells us the characteristics of bushing products. 

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